L’hypocrisie du puritanisme, la liberté d’expression et la Constitution américaine

Ah bon ? Enseigner la biologie c’est interdit aux USA ? L’obscurantisme est contre tout, sauf l’ignorance. En même temps, les armes à feu chez eux, ça ne choque personne. Trouver la mort en zone urbaine c’est moins choquant que la vie et la nature ? C’est ahurissant !

Je croyais qu’aux USA, le premier amendement de la Constitution américaine garantissait la liberté d’expression ?!
Je cite : «Le Congrès ne fera aucune loi […] qui restreigne la liberté de parole ou de la presse»
Il est donc constitutionnel de clamer publiquement « vagin ! ». Et c’est anticonstitutionnel d’en faire la censure.


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Professor McDaniel gets my full support. Scientific culture must resist against blind and hypocrite obscurantism. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees freedom of expression, and that is the same thing in the human rights. Freedom of religion must respect the freedom of teaching science. The pseudo-scientific obscurantism and mysticism is a constant threat against the culture of science and its popularization. Greetings from France.

«Thinking must never submit itself, neither to a dogma, nor to a party, nor to a passion, nor to an interest, nor to a preconceived idea, nor to whatever it may be, if not to facts themselves, because, for it, to submit would be to cease to be.»  (quote from Henri Poincaré, french scientist).

Vagina !!  😉  The taboo of sexuality has nothing to do with original sin. According to the myth, the first couple was hunted out from paradise because they believed to become gods by eating the fruit of a tree, but not because having sex… May God gives science books to the blind people that does not want to hear « vagina » and « orgasm ». 🙂

Keep it up, Mr McDaniel. 🙂

© 2013 John Philip C. Manson